POCA’s Fall Membership Drive
People ask us all the time if there’s a community acupuncture clinic in _____ (insert Hamilton, Kitchener, Halifax or some other major Canadian city here) because they’d love to send their mom, grandparent, or best friend for affordable acupuncture. Too often, we have to say no, which makes us so sad. But something can be done!
POCA‘s Fall Membership Drive is underway. Being a part of the POCA (People’s Organization of Community Acupuncture) co-op provides perks and supports the movement for affordable acupuncture internationally.
Patient members are a huge part of our co-op – more than half of our membership! Your membership helps POCA offer micro loans to start and grow clinics, ongoing support for community acupuncturists, and POCA Tech (a school for community acupuncturists).
This Fall, membership fees are going towards the accreditation costs of POCA Tech (an expensive undertaking). Thank you to all of our patients who are already POCA members. Our communities need more acupuncture!