Guest Post by Amelia Meister: Trauma-Sensitive Yoga

Trauma-sensitive yoga is a gentle, body-centered practice that helps people who have experienced trauma to reconnect with their bodies, while giving them a great opportunity to regulate their emotions and make healthier decisions in their lives.

Developed through the JRI Trauma Institute, trauma-sensitive yoga has been scientifically proven to reduce the effects of trauma. The yoga classes focus on individual choice, bodily sensations and a hands-off, consent-based teaching style. Every student is able to choose what poses they do and how they do them.

This type of yoga helps people regulate their emotions, reconnects them with their bodies and encourages personal choice and the creation of healthy boundaries. These body-based experiences deal with the trauma that is held in the body and complement other therapies that deal with the mental aspect of trauma.

A new trauma-sensitive yoga class is being offered by Amelia Meister every Thursday from January 15th – March 5th, 7:30pm-8:30pm at Dublin St United Church in the Hallman Room. This is an accessible space. The class is $100 for the 8 week session or $15/class. Pre-registration is recommended.

Please contact Amelia at to register or to ask any questions.

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