chronic pain

A person in a surgical mask and red hoodie give acupuncture treatment to someone with long dark hair and a grey mask while they lean back in a recliner covered in a yellow sheet.

How to Tell That Acupuncture Is Working Even Though You’re Still in Pain

We see many people in intense, long-term chronic pain. Some of these people get immediate and dramatic relief, but it’s much more common for regular treatment to slowly chip away at an issues that are chronic. And sometimes progress is less straightforward. How do you tell if acupuncture is working even though you’re still in pain? Here are some questions to ask yourself:

A women sets needles into a patient's leg while patient reclines with closed eyes in a recliner. Another patient sleeps in another in the background.

Chronic Pain, Part 2: Treating the Nervous System

A common, but awful, saying is that “the pain is all in your head.” The saying implies that it’s not real, that you’re making it up to get attention, which isn’t true. Yes, pain is located in your head, within your brain, and it’s very real. How your brain and nervous system process information has a huge impact on how much you hurt, and for how long. At GCA we believe you when you say it hurts, and we can treat you for that pain whether it is due to a current injury,or something more long-term and complex.

Treatment room full of patients seated or reclined under red blankets in lazyboys. Standing practitioner covering patient with red blanket.

Multiple Sclerosis

Community acupuncture can help with many of the common symptoms of MS, including chronic pain, trouble walking and/or “drop foot”, deep fatigue, muscle weakness and spasms, numbness and tingling, depression, and problems with focus and memory.

Effective and Affordable Acupuncture Treatment for Chronic Pain

Effective and Affordable Acupuncture Treatment for Chronic Pain

Pain is the number one reason people come to us for treatment. Acupuncture has long been recognized as effective treatment for all kinds of pain, and our sliding scale ($25-$50) allows people to access regular treatment, which is necessary in order for acupuncture to be effective. We have three important things to say on the topic of treating chronic pain …