
A conversation with my five-year old shortly after the latest photoshoot at GCA:
K: “Mama, what’s that? Is that pictures of your clinic?”
Me: “Yes sweetie, that’s me, and those are my patients.”
K: “You’re doing acupuncher.”
Me: “That’s right.”
K: “Why are those people there?”
Me: “Well, some of them have hurt knees or hurt backs. And acupuncture helps them not hurt.”
K: “What else?”
Me: “Um, well, sometimes when someone hits their head really hard, their head hurts for a long time and they feel barfy and bright lights hurt their eyes. Acupuncture helps with that too.”
K: “What else?”
Me: “Lots of other stuff!”
K: “Why do they have their eyes closed? Are they sleeping?”
Me: “Well, acupuncture makes most of them feel relaxed and sleepy. And a lot of grown-ups have a hard time resting, so it’s really good that they can have a rest at the clinic.”
K: “What’s that?”
Me: “It’s a cart, it holds my needles and cotton balls and –”
K: “Can I come to your clinic and ride in the cart??”